Monday Musings

How quickly a Monday will roll around but how much a Friday can drag its feet. I know time doesn’t really speed up the older one gets, but it really seems that way. What really gets me is when I think something was five or six years ago, but it was 20 or more. What I find a little funny is a young mother who has a baby and at six months, she posts a photo on Facebook with the caption,”Time slow down!” on social media. They ain’t seen nothing yet. Happy Monday to you! It’s going to be a grand week!

Social Media
Another thing I find funny is people on Facebook who announce they are leaving, but if they do, they’re back in a day or two. Usually the folks who stay gone don’t announce it. They are probably smarter than me. I’m sure the people who announce it have the best intentions, but there is a draw to the connections social media gives us. I like keeping up people who live life out loud. Sometimes. There are times when I learn a bit too much about them, and I find my self thinking, “I don’t believe I’da told that!” Then there was the time I saw a photo of a boss who I’d only previously seen in a suit and tie in shorts on his Facebook…I can’t explain why it made me cringe.

I’ve had a hankering to get back into photography lately, so I am in the market for a new camera. I got a Nikon a couple of years ago, and I never really liked it. The nice first camera I had was a Kodak, and I have been the most pleased with the photos from that camera. I literally wore that camera out. We went to the Amish community in Ethridge, Tennessee Saturday, and since I’m in the mood for photography, I’ll post some photos from another trip below.

Weight Loss Monday
Reflecting back to last Monday’s post, I picked five goals for five days and I did pretty well sticking to it. I am picking another five this week, some the same. If you didn’t do as well as you would have liked last week or over the weekend, it’s Monday! A new day, a great day! Rejoice! Be glad! Pick five things and commit to following through for five little days! You can do it! To help get you started with your goals, here are a few suggestions:

  • Start off with smaller portions.
  • Slow down!   Chew more.   Put that fork down or take a drink between bites. Enjoy your food…easy to do when you slow down.
  • Remind yourself often, “I am not a glutton. I am free from the chains of sin because of the cross of Jesus Christ.”
  • No sugar (cookies, cakes, candy) or junk food (chips, colas, snack crackers, etc.) It’s just five days!
  • Read Scripture every day.
  • Move more…take more steps on purpose.
  • Click Here for more suggestions.
Photos from my stash: Amish Community, Ethridge, Tennessee

One thought on “Monday Musings

  1. I like your pictures! Its good to pick five new ones or mix them up some old, some new for each week. I think it helps break up the rut one can get into when one is trying to live or eat healthier and also does help strengthen their relationship with the Lord indeed! Here’s what is interesting about Facebook. I have a page on there called Walk Humbly With My God that I haven’t updated in over 2 years (I’m working on it). Anyway, I keep getting notices that people are liking it within recent days so I’m not sure if Facebook is promoting it because I sure am not! Social media can be scary out there for so many reasons.

    It will be a great week indeed!



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